Cats need healthy feet to scratch, climb and achieve their famed acrobatic landings. That’s why it’s important to regularly examine and clean your cat’s paws and make sure they’re wound-free.

First things first-your cat’s feet should always be kept clean. No dirt, litter or household chemicals should soil her paws. Aside from causing pain, unhealthy substances that stick to her feet may end up on her tongue during grooming. Once each day, give your cat’s paws a gentle wipe with a damp cloth. Make sure to check in between her toes and around the paw pads. And keeping your floors and other surfaces free of debris and household chemicals will go a long way to help keep your cat’s feet (and your furniture) clean.

2. Curiosity … Gulp!

Cats are natural explorers who sometimes get into foreign places-it comes with the territory for both indoor and outdoor dwellers. So check your little wanderer’s paws regularly for any cuts, sores, splinters or swellings that may need tending to.

3. Scritch Scratch

Felines need to scratch to shed their outer nail sheaths that reveal the sharp, smooth claws underneath. Provide your kitty with a few different kinds of scratching posts so that she won’t get bored and choose to use your furniture. Encourage her to investigate the posts by scenting them with catnip.

4. Nail It